I adore living in the city, don't get me wrong. It's full of undeniable energy, culture, 4:00am pizza deliveries, and the picturesque greeting card that I receive from the skyline on my way home from work each day never fails to render me awestruck.
However, something bubbles up inside of me when springtime decides to make its sweeping entrance. It begins with a small gust of warm wind that trickles through the screen of my open bedroom window to awaken me with its first cheek-kiss. From that point forward, I am left pining for open fields, abandoned house adventuring, lake picnicking, and silly weekend trips to tacky tourist locations, complete with awkward photos that never cease to haunt for years to come. Most of all, I long for a slow paced environment, where I can be a regular at the local diner, and not have to look left and right ten times before crossing the street.
Today, Justin and I had breakfast and then set off to spend the first warm afternoon of the year in Buffalo's Forest Lawn Cemetery (The sun seemed like a good idea for this extremely pale couple). It's certainly quite visible from the main road, however, as we ventured into its depths, we found ourselves worlds away from typical city behavior. It's much more massive than I initially thought, and we were barely able to cover even half of its grounds, or witness some of the notable people buried there: Millard and Abigail Fillmore, Rick James, Al Boasberg, Aretha Franklin's mother, the first wife of Irving Berlin, Frederick Cook, and Kristen Marie Pfaff, to name a few.
Afterward, we visited the central library so I could borrow Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture which, so far, is an excellent book and had me nearly cheering in the middle of the library with the introduction alone. I'll be sure to let you know what I thought of the book in its entirety when I'm finished. Then we found the most quaint café called Second Cup that served delicious croissants and strawberry milkshakes (It just wasn't a coffee sort of day!). We found out that they host talent shows every Monday night, so a return visit is certainly in order!
Now, on to (a lot of) photos of our day!
Outfit Details:
Central Park West Dress: Modcloth, a gift from Justin.
Vintage hat: Local antique shop, for 75 cents!
Skirt underneath dress (It was an absolute necessity for this dress!): Thrifted.
Nude floral tights: Kohl's, Apt. 9.
Heels: Thrifted.